Scientists have identified more than two dozen previouslyunknown fish species in Peru and the Amazon Basin, uncovering a ...
A pet monkey escaped from a home in southern Peru, broke into nearby residences, and wreaked havoc until rescuers arrived, ...
Bolitoglossa digitigrada, or the Rio Santa Rosa mushroom tongue salamander, was described using 10 specimens collected from ...
(CNN)-- Chilean inspectors stumbled upon hundreds of exotic animals from Peru destined for illegal trade while conducting what they thought was going to be a routine inspection of a fishing boat ...
Authorities in Peru apprehended an unusual burglary suspect responsible for ransacking multiple homes -- an escaped pet monkey.
With “Paddington in Peru” now on its second week of adventures in U.S. cinemas ... but the vast array of other animals that feature in film, the exotic Peruvian locations, including the Home for ...
“Biodiversity in its full glory”—that’s how U.S. ecologist Kent Redford describes the enormous variety of animals and plants that thrive in and around Peru’s Manú National Par ...
With “Paddington in Peru” now on its second week of adventures ... but the vast array of other animals that feature in film, the exotic Peruvian locations, including the Home for Retired ...