For all of human history, Antarctica has been ice-covered and desolate. Now, a new model shows the hidden continent beneath ...
When the crew aboard an ocean science expedition learned that an iceberg the size of Chicago had broken off from an Antarctic ...
A calving iceberg exposed a region that never before had been seen by human eyes, revealing a vibrant, thriving ecosystem ...
A research group trapped at a small base in Antarctica fear for their safety after team member allegedly attacked and ...
Johannesburg — It sounds like the plot of a horror movie. Researchers stuck on a remote research base in Antarctica send an email out to the world, pleading for help as a colleague is accused of ...
Have you ever wondered what Antarctica might look like without ice? Now, a new map released this week gives us a clear view of the continent as if its massive sheet of ice has been removed ...
Stanford researchers have integrated machine learning with high-resolution satellite and aerial observations to analyze the ...
"So in an area like Antarctica, as we start to get more ice sheet melting, that's going to put more freshwater into the Southern Ocean. And that might affect how all of these things interact." ...