But, just how sustainable is beechwood? To learn that, and some of the pros and cons of using wood from a beech tree, you'll need to continue reading below. The good news is that beech is more ...
The American beech tree, a slow-growing species with tightly grained wood, plays a crucial role in supporting wildlife during cold winters. Despite lacking commercial value, its ecological importance ...
If you have been to some parts of Europe, such as Germany, you may be familiar with the beautiful, tall and graceful-looking ...
Residents in Oakley raised concerns after an old Beech tree along the multi-use path was set to be monolithed by the borough council.
The bark of mature trees is good for biodiversity as it often supports mosses, fungi, and lichens. Beech buds are distinctive ... sought after and devoured by Wood Mice, squirrels, birds, and ...