Watch the Video Click here to watch on YouTube From beloved children’s stories like Eric Carle’s Brown Brown, Brown Bear, ...
Officials in Sweden are facing backlash over its annual bear hunt in which the country tries to manage its population of brown bears by culling the creatures. Per the Associated Press (AP), Sweden ...
Alaska has killed more than 200 bears as part of its ‘intensive management’ program intended to help a caribou herd.
The Center applauded the refuge's decision and submitted comments urging it to permanently ban sport hunting. In the spring of 2014, when the Alaska Board of Game approved brown bear baiting, a high ...
Louisiana is expanding black bear hunting just one year after its first season in decades, more than doubling the number of hunters allowed to participate and more than tripling the number of ...
The brown bear is characterized by a distinctive hump on the shoulders ... to concerns about habitat degradation and small population size. In addition to sport hunting, unsustainable human population ...
Let's go hunting. SAM: Did they catch the seals ... But then, after a long, long time, a brown bear was born with bigger paws, with thicker pads. BIG-PAWED BEAR: I can run and not fall over!