The buzzard was found near Severn Trent's Four Ashes Sewage Treatment Works in Enterprise Drive on Wednesday 12 March. There ...
Unfortunately, some people don't realize that their deceased family pets are creating issues for wildlife in New York state.
Birds without natural immunity that migrate or roost together in large flocks, such as geese, are most likely to die in large ...
An Ormond Beach woman has been caring for animals often left for dead. Dawn Barbone is the Founder and CEO of Samadhi ...
MANISTEE — Several dead birds discovered Wednesday morning along portions of Manistee’s Lake Michigan shoreline have sparked ...
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is urging caution for all who encounter sick and dead ...
The sightings of dead geese on Lake Champlain have concerned local citizens as to the spread of avian flu to other animals and humans. Westport Town Supervisor Michael K. Tyler was not pleased when he ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Marks on the cats that were reportedly killed on the grounds of Universiti Malaya (UM) are believed to have been caused by wild animals ... “Another dead cat this morning at ...