New research suggests that Earth’s orbital variations—the slow changes in its tilt, axial precession, and shape of its ...
Tell me if you’ve heard this one before: a volcano scientist who does her work in the middle of the Pacific Ocean—at the ...
MORE: This is how heat from a volcano can be used to power an entire town The Axial Seamount tends to expel "controlled" eruptions about a mile beneath the sea surface -- deep enough and far ...
“The science team will seek out hydrothermal vents and deep-sea volcanoes and venture into the 8000-meter-deep South Sandwich Trench, the most geographically isolated and coldest trench on Earth ...
the deep sea trenches, and the origin of the midocean ridges. Hess's puzzling guyots fit into the sea-floor spreading picture, as well. It's believed they were once-active volcanoes which rose ...
All of them were of very low magnitude — “basically magnitude zero” — and originated from deep below sea level, but the activity was notable for the volcano. “Since then we’ve detected ...
“The science team will seek out hydrothermal vents and deep-sea volcanoes and venture into the 8000-meter-deep South Sandwich Trench, the most geographically isolated and coldest trench on Earth,” the ...