You can reach Al Azhar Park via taxi or on foot from Islamic Cairo. Khan el-Khalili sits less than a mile away, while downtown Cairo is about 3 miles to the west. Do not plan on driving since ...
rector of the ancient Moslem University of El-Azhar. “You will not rest until you have shot a lion,” said El-Maraghi. Thereupon the king went to the zoo and shot two lions in their cage.
Al Azhar Grand Imam Ahmed el Tayyeb greeted President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and Defense and Military Production Minister Abdel ...
El Cairo (Egipto), 9 mar (EFE/EPA).- La mezquita de El Azhar de El Cairo ofrece 5 mil comidas diarias de iftar a estudiantes ...
Al-Monitor is an award-winning media outlet covering the Middle East, valued for its independence, diversity and analysis. It is read widely by US, international and Middle East decision makers at the ...
"Ruego a Dios que conceda a mi querido hermano el papa Francisco una pronta recuperación y que Dios le dé buena salud, para ...
y a todos aquellos que valoran Al-Azhar en todo el mundo, con motivo del 1.085.º aniversario hiyri de la fundación de la ...