Requests one-way to n-way frequency and crosstabulation tables and computes the statistics for these tables. Default: If you omit the TABLES statement, PROC FREQ generates one-way frequency tables for ...
As the results are in a table, they are already ordered for us. In this case, as there are \(12\) results, the median is between the \(6th\) and \(7th\) result. We look at the frequency column and ...
also called a two-way frequency table or crosstab, is a tabular matrix with at least two rows and two columns. It is used in statistics to present categorical data in terms of frequency counts.
The output data set contains frequency counts and percentages for the last table. The data set also includes an observation for the zero cell count and a variable with the expected cell frequency for ...
There were 44 trains in total in this grouped frequency table, so work out \(\frac{44 + 1}{2} = \frac{45}{2}\) = 22.5. The median is therefore between the 22nd and 23rd values. Work down the ...