A hacker trolling for Wi-Fi networks in your neighborhood who sees "TheWilsonsHouse" as a wireless network name might try the ...
‘It gives a more personal feel and understanding to what is going on in the space,’ says one Microsoft partner. Caramel Tsunami. Pumpkin Sandstorm. Pistachio Tempest. No, these aren’t new ...
Hackers have a bad name everywhere, it seems, except in Silicon Valley, founded as it was on the virtues of creatively overcoming technical limits by any means. This tradition produced the likes ...
A suspected cyber criminal believed to have extorted companies under the name "DESORDEN Group" or "ALTDOS" has been arrested ...
Composed of new poems, work from four previous collections, and a handful of translations, this third volume of selected work from Hacker (Names) stands as a textured but unified testament to her ...
In a lawsuit targeting cybercriminals who abuse AI services, Microsoft has named individuals from Iran, the UK, China and ...