As we are getting into spring, some people may be worried about birds of prey hunting for their small animals. Pets, ...
Pennsylvania is among the top five states for animal-vehicular collisions with 150,000 insurance claims filed between July ...
Several animal care officials are warning small animal pet owners about birds of prey. Officials say this is the time of year ...
Tiny bird found using fake ‘hawk’ calls to scare away threats - Alarm calls create illusion of hawk's presence and scare away predator, researchers say ...
Massachusetts lawmakers want to restrict a type of rat poison that is particularly dangerous to birds, pets and wildlife.
A rising number of of great-horned owls, bald eagles and red-tailed hawks have been dying from the Avian (Bird) Flu, and ...
At the beginning of the month, Hawk Ridge began their annual spring count for bird species returning home. The Hawk Ridge ...