An easy way to enjoy a comprehensive overview of Innsbruck and many of its best ... the Triumphal Arch and Maria-Theresien Street. When you're done taking in the sights, enjoy some shopping ...
One of Innsbruck's most famous streets, Maria Theresien Street is a glorious remnant of the city's baroque past, dating back 700 years. Now a pedestrian promenade, the street, which is located ...
A burst water pipe caused flooded streets in the Innsbruck district of Pradl on Thursday morning. Apparently, a mishap occurred during work on a private construction site. Water is also said to ...
Die Street-Art-Szene in Tirol ist klein, aber sehr aktiv und sie hat viele Gesichter: Street Artists machen die Stadt zu ...
Der Innsbrucker Segelfliegerverein hat eine lange Tradition in Innsbruck. Dieses Jahr kann der Verein sein 75-jähriges ...
In der Angerzellgasse findet derzeit eine Aufschlussbohrung zur Erforschung des Grundwasserkörpers statt. Ziel dieser ...