Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, a towering intellectual force in literary theory and postcolonial studies, has been named the ...
An excellent example is the translation of the Courtesy of Criticism: Selected Essays of Kirtinath Kurtkoti. Kurtkoti (1928-2003) was a towering figure of Kannada literary thought. As noted ...
In the new memoir as well as in L’Étoile rose Fernandez insists on the political dimension of homosexuality, the obligation it brings to question every value, and expresses disdain for those gay men ...
The Literature and Critical Analysis minor is offered through Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts. This page outlines requirements for the minor. Students who major in Literary Studies at Lang (BA ...
THIS book has attracted much attention in literary circles, but it deserves notice here also, because it is a good example of the present tendency to bridge the old gulf between the study of the ...
The Body Scout author Lincoln Michel has a thoughtful literary analysis of Sam Altman’s AI-written “metafictional literary short story” — which, like a lot of AI text, scans well without exactly ...
Moreover, rapid advances in text analysis and computational methods are creating new analytic opportunities to study rules, norms and strategies by leveraging the IG syntax. At this stage, it is ...