One of the brave but unsuccessful plays from Nokia during their glory years was the N-Gage, an attempt to merge ... This is intended to ease development on the devices by making them more ...
New data has revealed sales figures for PC gaming handhelds across the board, which even collectively haven’t surpassed Sony’s failed PS Vita. In the conversation around gaming handhelds ...
Detailed features and specs for the Nokia N-Gage for AT&T Wireless, T-Mobile. Plus discussion forum and photos This new breed of device merges full-fledged portable gaming with wireless data and ...
It’s true for the Virtual Boy, the Atari Jaguar, and of course, the Nokia N-Gage. For those not familiar, this was a quirky competitor of the Game Boy Advance that was also a cell phone.
Nokia tried to upgrade with the redesigned N-Gage QD in 2004, but ultimately sold only a few million units before discontinuing the device altogether. Many of the products lasted only a few years.