The switch to open road tolling began in January on the eastern part of the state. It's expected to launch in western ...
About 86% of Pennsylvania Turnpike trips are made by travelers using E-ZPass. The rest get billed via toll-by-plate, and an invoice is mailed to the address of the person to whom the car is ...
The intermittent, 30-minute traffic stoppages are necessary for the protection of motorists and workers so crews can safely erect toll gantries. During the stoppages, PA Turnpike maintenance and state ...
Toll-by-plate was successful 13.3 million times last ... which are not issued in Pennsylvania. About 41% of the image failures were blamed on an obstruction such as a bike rack.
Fake texts impersonating road toll collection agencies are circling in states from "coast to coast," the FTC warned. Here's what to do if you get one.
Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware officials don't text drivers about unpaid tolls. “If you have a bill, we will send you a toll by plate invoice in the mail,” Orbanek said. “If you’re ...
Scammers impersonate tolling agencies, such as the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, by sending text messages claiming customers urgently need to pay an overdue toll and should click a link to do so.