Eventually, there were some good turn-based JRPGs on the PS3 like Final Fantasy 13, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, and ...
The best PS3 games speak to the wealth of excellent adventures ... It should have been a dumbed-down, lite-RPG cyberpunk shooter with a recognizable name stapled on. But miraculously, Eidos ...
Crysis pushed the PS3's limits with gorgeous visuals, sandbox gameplay, and FPS mechanics. When it comes to new generations of game consoles, they always aim to bring something fresh to the table ...
Six classic PS3 and Xbox 360 games, including some of the best games from this generation of gaming, are free for a limited ...
Until Dawn was originally in the work for PS3 and used as first-person viewpoint. Check out a walkthrough of this prototype version here.
F.E.A.R. is a first-person shooter blended with psychological horror elements. While the Vivendi-published game hit PC in 2005, it didn’t actually come to Xbox 360 until 2006 and PS3 until the ...