However, don’t worry, according to Jeff Wettersten, automation inside the packaging industry is a good thing.
Ranpak CEO Omar Asali emphasizes the importance of human labor in warehouses, saying that automation should complement workers, not replace them.
The first mobile robot deployed in Amazon’s warehouses was the Kiva robot, which lifts and moves shelving units from below.
Alongside a host of other recent packaging automation improvements, cobot palletization has helped speed up packaging line ...
The North America palletizing robot industry is projected to reach USD 576.2 million in 2024, driven by the rising adoption ...
The global palletizing robots market is experiencing a notable upward trend, with forecasts suggesting a projected value of ...
Solent Automation is seeking £100,000 for 1 per cent equity to develop its end-of-line robotic packing and palletising ...