But the throng of streakers, even at 100-strong, was meek in comparison to the streaking boom that hit Boulder in 1974. During the first half of that year — while the Watergate scandal was unfolding ...
Specifically, he recalled a streaking incident at the Oscars in 1974. "Can you imagine if a nude man ran across the stage today?" said Kimmel. He then took a moment to wait before repeating.
The Dow has fallen for 10 days in a row, the first time it has had a losing streak that long since September 20 through October 4, 1974, when the index fell for 11 sessions in a row. Until ...
John Shumate, who sparked Notre Dame to the 1974 upset of UCLA that snapped the Bruins’ record 88-game winning streak, has died. He was 72. Notre Dame announced that Shumate died on Monday.