The E-2C Hawkeye is the U.S. Navy’s primary carrier-based airborne early warning and command and control aircraft. The twin turboprop Hawkeye shares its basic airframe with the C-2 Greyhound but ...
The E-2 Hawkeye has served as the backbone of the US Navy's airborne surveillance capability since 1964. The venerable E-2C has been slowly phased out in favor of the new E-2D model since 2010.
The E-2C Hawkeye 2000, which began service with the French Navy in 1998, supports air defence and the Charles de Gaulle carrier strike group. France is the only nation besides the US to operate E ...
Lou Melluzzo, Chief Executive Officer of Air Industries Group commented: “The E-2D is the premier Airborne Command and Control surveillance platform in the world and has been a very stable and growing ...