Europa is about 375,000 miles above Jupiter's clouds. This color image was assembled from three black and white negatives. This color composite image made from Voyager 2’s narrow-angle camera ...
This has been the case with NASA's twin spacecraft, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. In order to save power so that both objects can continue to explore space, experts have shut down the cosmic ray ...
Nearly 50 years after they were first launched, Voyager 1 and 2 are still traveling around interstellar space — though they've faced some setbacks over the years. Now, NASA has announced that ...
are shutting off one scientific instrument on Voyager 1 and another on Voyager 2. The move will buy both spacecraft a bit of extra time on their journeys through the cosmos. The first of the ...
Saying farewell is hard, and in the case of the Voyager 1 & 2 spacecraft doubly so, seeing as how they have been with us for more than 47 years. From the highs of the 1970s and 1980s during their ...
La NASA lanzó las míticas sondas espaciales Voyager 1 y 2 hace casi 50 años para llegar al espacio interestelar y, desde entonces, dichos instrumentos siguen explorando el sistema solar para ...
Los ingenieros de la NASA han iniciado un plan para gestionar la energía restante de las sondas Voyager 1 y Voyager 2, reduciendo gradualmente el número de instrumentos activos.El 25 de febrero, apaga ...
The space agency said Wednesday an instrument on Voyager 2 that measures charged particles and cosmic rays will shut off later this month. Last week, NASA powered down an instrument on Voyager 1 ...
Nearly 50 years after they were first launched, Voyager 1 and 2 are still traveling around interstellar space — though they've faced some setbacks over the years. Now, NASA has announced that the twin ...