Just put bedding in the bottom, add food scraps and worms up top and wait a few months. As new food scraps are added, the worms migrate toward the top to feed, leaving their castings below.
The village of Pinecrest has launched an innovative effort to do just that. The pilot project converts food scraps into ...
A worm composter, or wormery, can turn your kitchen food scraps into fantastic fertiliser for your house plants and garden. Compact, smell-free and faster than normal composting, a wormery harnesses ...
Almost 90 tonnes of food scraps have been chowed down by a horde of maggots employed by the City of Sydney since January, in ...
“We’d be educating the community on sustainable ways of getting rid of their food scraps,” Hammontree said. Fertile Earth Worm Farm, an operation in Homestead, is handling the processing of ...
It really has fostered a sense of environmental responsibility in our community,” said one village council member.
Like all animals, nightcrawlers need to eat to stay alive. Well-fed worms are more active and will ultimately attract more fish. Nightcrawlers thrive on organic food scraps such as coffee grounds, ...
shipping-container style units house the larvae who feast on food scraps. Each unit houses up to 15 million maggots. Their waste is turned into fertiliser, while the worm-like creatures become ...
Fertile Earth Worm Farm, a commercial composting operation in South Miami-Dade County, picks up the food scraps twice a week, power-washing the bins to keep them from smelling and collecting bugs.