Scroll to see content JAKARTA, - Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Pramono Anung takziah ke rumah duka balita berinisial AA (3 ... hanyut pada saat proses evakuasi," ujar Pramono dikutip Rabu (5/3/2025).
Plt Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Pengendalian Penduduk dan Keluarga Berencana (Dinkes KB) Kabupaten Cilacap, Ferry Adhi Dharma mengatakan, data stunting per Januari 2025 dari 106.318 balita di Cilacap, ...
Banjir setinggi 1,5 meter merendam Kampung Bojongasih, Desa Dayeuhkolot, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Setidaknya sebanyak 3.800 keluarga terdampak. "Untuk sementara, korban yang terendam dari ...
The new logo – which consists of a yellow number 5 on a blue background – will be used by the channel from today (Wednesday 12th March) onwards. It comes after the broadcaster announced that ...
but this is the first time a PlayStation logo has been attached to a mod on the website, suggesting PlayStation 5 functionality is coming sooner than expected. The listing has since been removed ...
Aim High Stadium hadir sebagai jawaban atas kebutuhan akan fasilitas olahraga bola basket berstandar internasional di wilayah ...
Related Stories Agencies Singer-Actor Liamani Segura Signs With CAA Casting 'Descendants 5' Adds 4 To Cast As Offspring Of Robin Hood, Dr. Facilier & Mr. Smee Picking up shortly after the events ...
Indonesia dan Singapura sepakat bekerja sama di bidang kependudukan dan pembangunan keluarga. Kerja sama disepakati lewat MoU ...
The new logo, which sees a yellow number five on a blue background, has been in use from Wednesday (12th March). The relaunch was initially announced in August last year, with Channel 5 boss Ben ...
The Air Jordan 5 showed up right when Michael Jordan, Nike, and Tinker Hatfield were hitting their collective stride. Jordan back then was without a championship, but very much ascendant.
Ford has used some version of its famous script logo for more than a century, but despite its widespread usage, people are scratching their heads over a detail they just noticed. In a viral TikTok ...