Tanpa kendali, andong terus melaju ke arah utara. "Andong melaju ke utara tanpa kusir. Sesampai di simpang 4 Gondomanan, kuda diusahakan berhenti tetapi tetap melaju ke arah kanan Jalan Sultan Agung," ...
On that day’s broadcast, Jo visited Andong North Gate Market, where he directly interacted with the merchants, enhancing the market atmosphere from the start by playing the gong. Jo visited the ...
Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the party will field a candidate who meets the “wali” criteria - winnable, acceptable, and likeable - for the Ayer Kuning state by-election. He said he ...
Analysts expect the unity government to retain the state seat of Ayer Kuning without any difficulty but say the real challenge will lie in garnering a bigger majority. National Council of ...
Cari metode yang ampuh untuk memutihkan gigi kuning dengan menggunakan tips alami serta perawatan profesional yang sederhana dan mudah dilakukan. Gigi yang menguning akibat noda yang membandel sering ...
Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi confirmed that the notice on the vacancy of the Ayer Kuning state seat has been sent to the Election Commission (EC). “The speaker (Zahir Abdul Khalid ...
Metode sederhana dan alami untuk mencerahkan gigi kuning dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan dapur yang aman dan terbukti efektif. Masalah gigi kuning yang disebabkan oleh sisa makanan merupakan hal yang ...
Saat digeledah, petugas menemukan dua bungkus narkotika jenis sabu seberat 2,42 kilogram yang dikemas dalam kemasan teh Cina merek Guanyi Wang berwarna kuning. Selain itu, polisi juga menyita satu ...
IPOH: A by-election for the Ayer Kuning state seat is necessary as the 15th Perak State Legislative Assembly’s five-year mandate has yet to reach the three-year mark, says Menteri Besar Datuk ...
Perak menteri besar Saarani Mohamad has clarified that a by-election must be held for the Ayer Kuning state seat in Perak because the state legislative assembly has not completed three years out ...
IPOH: Barisan Nasional expects a landslide victory to retain the vacant Ayer Kuning state assembly seat. "In the (2022) General Election, we had about 9,000 votes while Pakatan Harapan had over ...