A farm in Southampton has welcomed four new birds of prey, including a new Indian scops owl. The other three residents are an eagle owl, a Harris hawk, and a barn owl. Gizmo, a six-year-old Indian ...
India is home to a vast array of ecosystems, ranging from lush rainforests and dense mangroves to arid deserts and expansive ...
With the help of West Coast Arborists, the other two baby owls are back home, 50 feet up in a Eucalyptus tree. The team could ...
Barn owls usually make a high-pitched screeching sound to attract mates or ask for food. Other British species make a ‘hoo’ or even ‘whoop’ sound. It is a common misconception to think ...
The CDFW announced Tuesday it settled cases against Byron Lee Fitzpatrick, 24, and Shannon Lee Price, 28, after investigators ...
Barn swallows are pretty common here in East Texas,” says Jessica Coleman the Secretary with Tyler Audubon Society.
Some owls have feathers to help them hear better. Some owl species, like barn owls and great gray owls, have particularly wide and flat facial features. We, humans, find it endearing, but those ...
San Diego County is home to Screech owls, Barn owls, and Great Horned owls ... Depending on the species, we put a mirror in there so that they see themselves and think they have a friend.
By protecting the barn owl, the project is not only helping preserve this species — it is also ensuring the survival of the entire food chain that relies on this bird. When one species is threatened, ...