The skies will be partly cloudy. The low will be 48°. Very unhealthy (201-300) Primary pollutant PM10 296 μg/m³ Pressure is the weight of the air in the atmosphere. It is normalized to the ...
On February 2, a drone targeted the Khor Mor gas field in the autonomous Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Dana Gas, which runs the ...
As the backlash against the Federal Court's decision intensifies, the coming days are expected to witness heightened ...
Five ISIS members were killed on January 31 by airstrikes carried out by the Iraqi security forces in the northern Iraqi ...
The group, which is known for its extremist practices, was reportedly preparing to conduct a ritual suicide lottery within ...
Salwan Momika, 38, gained international attention in 2023 for burning copies of the Quran in public, acts that resulted in diplomatic tensions between Sweden and several Muslim-majority nations ...