Lawmakers are once again looking to legalize bear hunting in Connecticut and the state’s environmental protection agency says ...
We don’t know how the the life of this bear was, but its end came in the darkness, at the bottom of a pit in a narrow Romanian cave. There were no claw marks on the stone, no signs of a struggle, just ...
Colorado experienced record-high volumes of conflict between bears and humans last year. While human-bear conflict increased ...
India is home to four distinct bear species: the Sloth Bear, Asiatic Black Bear, Himalayan Brown Bear, and Sun Bear. These ...
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has recently opened a new round of grant funding to provide local Colorado communities with ...
Seminole was the first local government in the state to impose financial penalties on residents who fail to secure their trash.
The qathet region has several things in common with places such as Tofino, Whistler and Squamish: easy access to the great ...
Colorado Parks and Wildlife is offering $1 million in grant funding to provide Colorado communities with resources to reduce human-bear conflicts through the Human-Bear Conflict Reduction Community ...
Thousands of black bears live in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. Here are some tips for staying safe as they ...
In Florida, black bears are in the crosshairs again as development takes thousands of acres of their habitat yearly.
The RDCO and BC Conservation Officer Service are asking residents to help prevent human-bear conflicts by managing ...
According to City of Kelowna bylaws, residents are required to put out garbage, yard waste, and recyclables only between 7:00 ...