A new CBS/YouGov poll shows that 70% of Americans think President Trump is keeping his campaign promises. On Friday, Mr.
TRUTH about the 2nd Amendment
The First Congress proposed a Bill of Rights as protection for those fearful of a strong national government. The Bill of ...
I think Gov. Ron DeSantis can do better than leaning on the Second Amendment to turn his back on LGBTQ+ Floridians.
The Second Amendment Preservation Act, initially passed in 2021, prohibited police for enforcing some federal gun laws. A ...
As the death toll from gun violence mounts, we are told that because of the Second Amendment nothing can be done to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them. That is ...
The gay club massacre happened nine years ago on June 12, which I guess this year would be smack dab in the middle of our “Second Amendment Summer” celebration. I think DeSantis can do better ...
While this office, ostensibly under the leadership of Vice President Kamala Harris, did nothing of actual substance during its short life span, it did serve to highlight the anti-Second Amendment ...
if the feds want to infringe on our Second Amendment rights, they can darn well pay for doing that themselves, and we’re not going to have Arizona law enforcement do it.” Need a break?