The drownings of eight children aged under six in one summer have prompted an investigation by the coroner who says adults must more closely supervise young children near the water.
Tuesday evening, authorities said the search transitioned into a recovery effort. In nearly a week, more than 100 first ...
A superbly executed photo of boys fishing near Inle Lake in Myanmar took the top prize in the 9th Xposure International ...
It’s hard to live in Utah and not know the name Pamela Atkinson. It’s even on the state tax form for a homeless trust fund.
A 10-year-old boy from Tavares is dead after suffering “unimaginable abuse” and neglect from his mother and her boyfriend, ...
Xavier Godoy is recovering in Tennessee after the 5-year-old boy suffered a brain bleed and fractured neck while hiking with ...
A man was found dead near Chicago’s Montrose Beach on Saturday morning, Chicago police said. According to authorities, ...
WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (WFLA) — A boy was found dead at a lake in Polk County Thursday afternooon. The Polk County Sheriff’s ...
MISSION, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA — Mounties in Mission, B.C., say a police helicopter crew spotted a five-year-old boy after ...
Missing 12-year-old Jonathan Shin from Buffalo Grove was found safe early Thursday morning. Details of his disappearance are ...
A headstone in a Provo cemetery with no body buried underneath. A patch of grass in a Moab cemetery with no headstone but the ...
DNA and the discovery that dental records were submitted upside down have led to the identification of a Utah John Doe found ...