Being struck by lightning is something humans generally try to avoid. But for at least one tropical tree species, this ...
Edward Faison, an ecologist, stood quietly in a patch of forest that stretched for miles in all directions. Above him, the ...
Getting zapped with millions of volts of electricity may not sound like a healthy activity, but for some trees, it is. A new study, published in New Phytologist, reports that some tropical tree ...
Some trees don’t just survive lightning – they thrive on it. Scientists studying Panama’s tropical forests have discovered that Dipteryx oleifera trees often benefit from lightning strikes that ...
Trees that have "fast growing" traits turn out to grow more slowly in the wild than their conservative relatives, scientists ...
The Great Nicobar Megaproject threatens to destroy 10 million trees and disrupt the lives of the indigenous Nicobarese people ...
Discover free accounts and keys for The Forest on Steam! Find out how easy it is to access this exciting game about survival ...
The slow and bumpy 5-mile road to Fallen Leaf Lake, southwest of South Lake Tahoe, affords only one way in and one way out — ...
These five sunset hikes in Louisiana offer a relaxing ending to the day. Stroll along lakes and rivers or watch the sunset ...
Every once-in-a-lifetime trip should involve a trip on a helicopter. Luckily, that’s just a mode of transport for business ...
The Pleiades, Ptolemy's Cluster, the Large Magellanic Cloud — here's how to center the sky's brightest deep-sky wonders in ...
The world now faces record heatwaves, crop failures and ecosystem collapse – a much greater threat than the famines we faced ...