Why does it feel so good to be in a garden? The latest collaboration with USA Today shares the plants, people and stories of ...
E ggs are a staple for cooking and baking. But if you’re scrambling for a replacement, your kitchen is full of dupes, from ...
University of Illinois Extension horticulture experts will present tips, how-to’s, and answer questions about each monthly ...
Pumpkin seeds, which can be enjoyed with or without their white shell, are a tasty and nutrient-rich food. According to ...
Local farmers believe that introducing sweet pumpkin cultivation as a companion crop in these vacant spaces could significantly boost the agricultural economy of the district ...
Choose one that's high in tryptophan, an amino acid that your body uses to produce serotonin and melatonin. Snack options ...
Plant genetics deals with heredity in plants, specifically mechanisms of hereditary transmission and variation of inherited characteristics. Plant genetics differs from animal genetics in a number ...
While you enjoy the blooms of these popular perennials in the spring, it's not the best time to plant them in your garden. Learn the best time to plant peonies for optimal growth and an armload of ...
Rowing a giant pumpkin might seem like something from a nursery rhyme, but growing it? Mark Peacock is The Big Pumpkin grower and says it's less of a fairytale and more like a lesson in resilience.