One of the best films by the legendary James Cameron, Terminator ended up becoming a franchise with six movies, a TV series, ...
Each instance acts as a traditional "Hero's Journey" in the best Joseph Campbell sense of the word as the obstinate orphan ...
Liu, a celebrated author of speculative fiction known for books like the Dandelion Dynasty series and his translation work on ...
If you were ever put off by Warframe’s otherworldly, sleek sci-fi aesthetic, you might want to catch up: Warframe 1999 is in ...
The sci-fi genre's standout performers from film and television over the years have earned unquestionable status as sci-fi ...
An exoskeleton walking aid device, designed by startup RoboCT located in Hangzhou in East China's Zhejiang province, can make ...
The Six Million Dollar Man' led to an even better sci-fi show, 'The Bionic Woman.' Here's why it still matters.
Despite introducing audiences to groundbreaking sci-fi concepts, some movies spend decades without the sequel they deserve.
It's now been four years since Zack Snyder's Justice League premiered on HBO Max. With a sequel no closer to becoming a ...
The cyborgs of science fiction, once symbols of superhuman abilities, are now powering China's elderly care revolution ...
With the release of Google's Gemini Robotics, are we any closer to AI robots taking over the world and bringing about the robot apocalypse?
Afrofuturism, Black Panther, Colonialism, Speculative Fiction, Black Liberation Share and Cite: Ye, W. H. (2025). Afrofuturism, Black Literature, and the Liberatory Vision of Black Panther. Open ...