In a town in Central China's Hubei province, 28-year-old Ren Yang makes handcrafted wooden plaques and sells them to ...
What do you want to see carved on the tree stumps in Honesdale's Central Park? The Wayne County Arts Alliance is seeking ...
You can mark the beginning of spring with a visit to the Grand Rapids Art Museum, which is hosting a celebration of art and ...
As you study photographs of decorative posts, note how the geometry of the cuts is often created using simple 45 or 30-degree angles. Common circular saws can be set to create these angles. If you ...
Designers weigh in to share eight types of antiques they're always looking out for and why they're worth scooping up.
(WOOD) — Sometimes, hairstylists and barbers ... Chair,” a free training that helps give them the tools to recognize signs of mental health changes, start conversations and take action.
This comes just days after Trump signed a similar action ordering an investigation into copper. Trump also ordered a separate investigation earlier this month that’s set to pave the way for what ...
Kluwe was among dozens of protesters who attended the City Council meeting earlier this month to urge the council to abandon the plaque design in favor of something, as some urged, more inclusive.
Hemmerle in Munich, experiments extensively with unusual materials, and has often included wood in its spare, modern designs using the grain and natural colour of the material to complement coloured ...
The plaque has a new design from what was first proposed. The changes include new eagle artwork, moving the “MAGA” acronym that is spelled out to the bottom, and adding the “Making America ...