Downloads - Becky Hemsley
Below are some of the most popular recent poems that I have shared. To download, simply click the button below each image. The PDF will open in a new window for you to save.
Beautiful Words | Becky Hemsley Poetry
Becky Hemsley Poetry is the hub for Becky Hemsley's beautiful words which have inspired, comforted and supported people all around the world.
Becky Hemsley Poetry - Facebook
Becky Hemsley Poetry. 175,098 likes · 35,883 talking about this. Empowered romantic with a hint of magic
Quietly by Becky Hemsley
Jul 3, 2024 · ‘Quietly’ is a newer poem but there are similar in my book of grief and loss poetry https://amzn.eu/d/ePSd4yb. This is also available as a free download on my website, as a print on my Etsy store and I have just ordered some postcards of it to stock on Etsy as well. They should be here by the middle of this week xx [source] Loading...
The poem 'Quietly' that I shared on... - Becky Hemsley Poetry
May 2, 2024 · Becky Hemsley Poetry 16h BEING A MOTHER WITHOUT A MOTHER Becoming a mother without a mother is like trying to steer a ship through the sea in the dead of night.
Afterparty, a poem about grief and love, by Becky Hemsley
May 27, 2023 · Afterparty, a poem about grief and love, by Becky Hemsley I held a party the other week and grief came. She wasn’t invited but she came anyway - barged her way in through the door and settled down like she was here to stay.
Becky Hemsley - Breathe - SouthernCrossReview
The first - entitled Talking to the Wild - features the poem Breathe. She also has two further regular collections and one of loss and grief poetry as well as three children’s books (one of which is an illustrated version of Breathe).
Breathe by Becky Hemsley — The Thinking Project
Feb 13, 2023 · A beautiful poem about having the courage to be who we are. To look inwards, rather than outwards in our search for meaning.
She drives just like a girl you... - Becky Hemsley Poetry - Facebook
Nov 21, 2024 · It's been a year since I was on BBC Women's Hour reciting this poem and Breathe. It still feels very surreal that I did it! 'Like a Girl' is from my collection 'Letters from Life' here: https://a.co/d/6JQDtB6 and is available as prints and postcards on my Etsy store.
breathe by Becky Hemsley - WordPress.com
Dec 9, 2021 · This Poem, Breathe, is as beautifully constructed as the Mona Lisa. My hat is completely off, to Ms. Hemsley. In fact, I may never wear a hat again.