Flag of the Netherlands - Wikipedia
Orange field divided in four by a nassau-blue cross, showing bugle-horns of the Principality of Orange and the coat of arms of the Kingdom, surrounded by a crown and the insignia of the …
Flag of the Netherlands | Colors, Meaning & History | Britannica
flag of the Netherlands horizontally striped red-white-blue national flag. Its width-to-length ratio is 2 to 3. In the 16th century William I, prince of Orange, became a leader of the Dutch …
List of flags of the Netherlands - Wikipedia
Four colours blue, red, white, gold and green, and divided in four five-sided blue polygons, each fimbriated red. In its centre is a diamond -form white field; in the diamond is the silhouette of …
Bendera Belanda - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Bendera Brasil Belanda atau Holandia Baru adalah bendera yang digunakan oleh Vereenigde West-Indische Compagnie (Perusahaan Hindia Barat Belanda) untuk wilayah yang …
Flags - Royal House of the Netherlands
Flag of the Netherlands The first reference to the Dutch flag dates from 1572. At that time it was known as the ‘Prince’s flag’ and the colours were orange, white and blue: orange for the …
Flag of the Netherlands: history, colours, symbols and their meaning
All facts about the flag of Netherlands in one place. The history of the flag, its colours and symbols. Download the current flag in svg or png.
Flags, Symbols, & Currencies of Netherlands - World Atlas
History of the Flag of the Netherlands. In 1572, William Prince of Orange rose to lead the Dutch against Spain in the struggle for independence, and he used the following colors: orange, …
Flag of the Netherlands - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The national flag of the Netherlands is a tricolour flag. The colors are red (bright vermilion), white , and blue (cobalt blue). The first Stadtholder, or ruler, of the Dutch Republic was William of …
Flag of Netherlands - Flagpedia.net
The Dutch flag is composed of a red-white-blue tricolor and it is also known as "The Prince's Flag". Records about the prince William of Orange´s flag appeared already in 1572, when …
The Netherlands Flag
Oct 5, 2024 · On significant national holidays such as King’s Day (Koningsdag) and Liberation Day (Bevrijdingsdag), the Dutch flag is prominently displayed throughout the country. These …