The Boondocks - Internet Movie Firearms Database
Huey and Riley's homage to The Killer. In "Lets Nab Oprah", Riley and Huey both briefly hold a gun based on a Beretta 92FS Centurion with gold plated components, stainless steel finish, wooden grips, and forward cocking serrations against each other during their fight.
BB guns | The Boondocks Wiki | Fandom
BB guns are toy air guns that that fire plastic bullets. Huey and Riley Freeman own a large collection of BB guns, and frequently use them for malicious or mischievous purposes, especially in Seasons 1 and 2.
The Boondocks: Riley vs Huey's BB Gun Fight Shootout (Full HD)
Apr 7, 2019 · The Boondocks (Season 2 Episode 10: "Home Alone")"Home Alone" is the tenth episode of the second season of the Adult Swim animated television series The Boon...
huey where my gun? - YouTube
this show is called the boondocks, all credits goes to the creators :)episode: season 2 ep 10
Huey Freeman | The Boondocks Wiki | Fandom
Huey R. Freeman [1] is one of the two main protagonists (alongside Riley Freeman) of the 2005 Adult Swim animated TV series The Boondocks. He was a syndicated comic strip character written by Aaron McGruder , as well as the protagonist and recurrent principal narrator of the TV series with the same name .
The Boondocks- BB Gun Fight Huey vs. Riley - YouTube
Aug 21, 2010 · Huey vs. Riley in epic BB Gun fight
Home Alone | The Boondocks Wiki | Fandom
Dec 17, 2004 · After Ruckus threatens to use a cattle prod and shock collar as punishment devices, the boys work together and ambush Ruckus with airsoft guns, causing him to evacuate the house. Huey, presuming himself to be in charge, tells Riley to clean up the living room.
The Boondocks: Riley vs Huey's BB Gun Fight Shootout full
The Boondocks: Riley vs Huey's BB Gun Fight Shootout full fight. • • ° ° . . . #breaksessions #breaksessionsTV #theboondocks #hueyfreeman...
Huey as Malcolm - Cultural Front
Feb 20, 2014 · Huey Freeman, the main character of Aaron McGruder's The Boondocks, is designed in some ways to channel the militant spirit of Malcolm X. In an image from the first episode of McGruder's cartoon, Huey takes on Malcolm's pose with a gun.
Huey Freeman - Wikipedia
Shown to be a highly skilled martial artist, Huey often demonstrates on various occasions an ability with nunchaku, katana, Gun (staff), as well as hand to hand combat that far surpasses the expected capabilities of a ten-year-old.