Village Laguna – To preserve and enhance the unique village …
Village Laguna’s mission is to preserve, enhance, and celebrate the unique village character and cultural heritage of Laguna Beach; to foster community spirit and address social needs; and to work toward restoring and protecting our ocean and coastal habitats.
Established 1971 To preserve and enhance the unique village character of Laguna Beach. 2024. February. February General Meeting. Monday, February 26, 2024. 7 p.m. Home of Johanna and Gene. Felder. 2680 Park Ave. ... Mail to: Village Laguna PO BOX 1309 Laguna Beach, CA 92652. I have enclosed my check for the following membership. I understand ...
Charm House Tour - Village Laguna
Experience a taste of the heritage of Laguna Beach as you tour houses in neighborhoods dating from homestead days in the 1800s. Visit cottages and bungalows, working artists’ homes and studios. Experience the rustic canyon environments and see how creative residents have crafted their home environments to reflect their own
Charm House 2024 - Village Laguna
WHERE: The tour begins and ends in front of the Festival of Arts grounds, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, CA 92651. TICKETS : Sales are limited to avoid overcrowding. Admission is $70 each presale and $80 on the day of the Tour.
Timeline - Village Laguna
Experience a taste of the heritage of Laguna Beach as you tour houses in neighborhoods dating from the early 1900s. Documented by the National Park Service as a Historic American Landscape, Laguna Beach and its Greenbelt demonstrate how the community and artistic tradition grew from Laguna’s beautiful and dramatic natural setting.
Oraganizations – Village Laguna
Dedicated to preserving, protecting, enhancing and promoting the South Coast Wilderness – a network of open space that includes Laguna Coast Wilderness Park & Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park, Orange County, CA..
There is a “No take” zone in the rest of the Laguna. Beach’s MPA that extends from Table Rock to Crystal. Cove. In order to protect and restore all of Laguna's marine life, the Laguna Bluebelt Coalition (that includes Village. Laguna) has petitioned Fish and Game Commission (FGC) to extend the boundary of Laguna's “no take” MPA to the
Current Issues – Village Laguna
Village Laguna supports affordable housing to promote and to preserve economic diversity in Laguna Beach. We do not, however, support the city’s proposal because it omits controls in the state law to assure affordability and to protect neighborhoods.
Established 1971 To preserve and enhance the unique village character of Laguna Beach. 2024. June. June General Meeting. Meet Our New City Manager. Monday, June 24, 2024. 6 p.m. SusiQ and Community. Center. 380 Third St. ... Mail to: Village Laguna PO BOX 1309 Laguna Beach, CA 92652. I have enclosed my check for the following membership. I ...
Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Re: OC Flood Control District channel repairs Dear City Councilmembers, Village Laguna has been following the development of this project for some time and welcomes this ... President, Village Laguna P. O. Box 1309 Laguna Beach, California 92652 villagelaguna.org .