where can you see leafeon and umbreon?!Help Pleaaase!
Mar 22, 2009 · Umbreon is found with a trainer on rout 212. (collector male) Leafeon in found with a trainer on rout 212. (ranger f
Where is Leafeon? - Pokemon Platinum Version Q&A for DS
Mar 22, 2009 · Leafeon - Route 212 (South) on PKMN Ranger Alison's team OR Level Up Eevee at the moss-covered rock in Eterna Forest Probopass - Route 208 on Hiker Alexander's team OR Route 210 (North) on Ace Trainer Ernest's team OR Level Up Nosepass inside or on Mt. Coronet
How do I get Leafeon and Glaceon? - Pokemon HeartGold
Mar 14, 2010 · You cannot get Leafeon or Glaceon in HG/SS because the items needed to evolve them do not exist in those games. You have to trade them to Diamond, Pearl or Platinum and level them up there at the proper places.
What are the best moves for Leafeon? - Pokemon Shield Q&A
Nov 15, 2019 · Leafeon is still quite viable outside of these options, but it is something to think about. If using either of these options, then I would suggest swapping out Leaf Blade for Solar Blade(TM 12). Its basically a physical Solar Beam (high power, needs 2 turns to use, etc.) but will hit on the first turn if the Strong Sunlight weather effect is in ...
HOW can i get my eevee to evolve to leafeon? - Pokemon …
Mar 14, 2010 · If you have the game(s) Pokemon: Diamond,Pearl, or Platnium and you got an Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod City after you beat the Gym leader go to Eterna Forest and level up your Eevee near a MOSS COVERED ROCK but be sure you want to level it there because when you get Eevee it will be a level 25 and you'd probably would want to level it up somemore but if …
How do I get Leafeon and Glaceon? - Pokemon SoulSilver
Mar 14, 2010 · According to Takao Unno, the fact that these remakes have Lyra as the female protagonist instead of the original female character from Crystal, Kris, was essentially an accident: he had started designing the characters without looking back at Sugimori's original artwork, making the female character wear clothes fit for walking because walking with Pokémon was a …
Best nature for Leafeon? - Pokemon Sword - GameFAQs
If Leafeon is your last Pokémon and you wind up matched against Charizard, then make it count: you MIGHT get lucky and be faster, but you aren't one shotting it. If an opposing Charizard (or any special attack based fire Pokémon for that matter) isn't already weak enough to get finished off by Leaf Blade, then it's over.
Glaceon and Leafeon?? - Pokemon Black Version 2 - GameFAQs
The rock that evolves Eevee into Leafeon is at Pinwheel Forest, while the rock that evolves it into Glaceon is in an icy cave inside Twist Mountain. Both locations can only be accessed after beating the Elite Four, though.
What is a good nickname for a Leafeon? - Pokemon Sun
There used to be a LeafeytheLeafeon on the OR board with this annoying gimmick of offering people oreos and constantly talking about Leafeon. Name it Jimbob or Joeyray. "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, …
What's a good final moveset from Leafeon? - Pokemon Platinum …
Really, Leafeon excells with any sort of physical attack. Just get a physical attack of whatever type you feel like. X-scissor is a good choice, and I personally like Giga Impact for large hits. inb4anythingworksingame