-Pole Position 1 vs. Pole Position 2 | Museum of the Game ...
May 6, 2011 · looking for some honest reviews on Pole Position 1 vs. Pole Position 2. I have read somewhere people who have played both say PP1 is still better than PP2 even with the extra tracks to run....what do you guys think...I love my PP1 but am starting to think a few tracks to run on would be more...
Pole Position 2 - Board Repair - Museum of the Game Forums
Jul 8, 2020 · I have a Pole Position 2 standup console that works.....except that it intermittently initializes the high scores. The battery was removed long before I owned it and it has an NVRAM chip in it. Sometimes you can boot the game up 10 times in a row with no issues, sometimes it will do it every second or third boot.
Is there a High Score Kit for Pole Position? | Museum of the Game ...
May 14, 2008 · Replaced a 6116 ram chip with an nvram chip.... and removed the battery all together... Position 7E on the CPU board... This works with both Pole Position I and II. about 15 bucks.. I think I got mine at digikey... there was a link on this in a thread.. complete with pictures, etc... if I didn't have dial up, I'd find it for you..
Insignificant Pole Position 2 Glitch | Museum of the Game ...
Mar 20, 2007 · I've got this very very minor glitch with my Pole Position 2 board. Basically, a couple of the static screens (see below) have strange little one pixel wide black "strings". They're not on screen during actual gameplay... only primarily on …
Pole Position 2 settings default vs twin galaxy vs commonly accepted
Feb 25, 2018 · Pole Position 2 settings default vs twin galaxy vs commonly accepted Finally got my pole position 2 working reliably. Looked up the twin galaxy settings, set the dips and wow, after at least 30 games still can't get 1st place during qualifying lap.
Resolved - Pole Position 2 - Resetting before title screen
Sep 18, 2021 · Resolved - Pole Position 2 - Resetting before title screen I'm working on a PP2 board that resets before the title screen. On power up I get the scrambled graphics, a quick flash of the test screen showing no errors, the grid and a start of the title screen. At this point both Z8002 are reset by 8E.
Pole Position II Resetting - Museum of the Game Forums
Dec 12, 2006 · Not that i think it matters much, but you might try turning down the voltage a bit - my pole 1 and 2 are both running right around 5.2v, checked on the board itself. Fwiw, i did a complete switcher conversion on my PP2, by adding a seperate audio amplifier, which removed the whole big blue mess, and the a/r2 boards as well.
Master List of Pole Position Repair Log Links | Page 2 | Museum of …
Aug 15, 2018 · Pole Position 2 (fresh conversion on CPU board, broken video board) Pre-work: Video board was filthy. Unsocketed all socketed chips, washed board with Simple Green and water (and dried it thoroughly). Prom at 11C had a leg bent under, so I straightened it carefully. Brushed chip legs with DeOxit and resocketed.
Pole Position 2 Repair Log - Museum of the Game Forums
Oct 12, 2016 · Just got done with a repair for a customer on a Pole Position II board set. This one had every issue possible, boot, input, sound, and video issues. Symptom: Board will not boot Set came with many customs with broken legs. Cleaned and repaired the customs - it needed 4 customs mounted in machine pin sockets to save them.
Pole Position 2 Marquee - Museum of the Game Forums
Dec 4, 2022 · The one I have is just a a sticker/Translight over the original PP Marquee. Were there any dedicated UR Pole Position 2 cabinets? If so, did they have glass or translight marquee? TOG has 1 Translight available. Should it be applied over clear glass...