How to Pray the Rosary — Rosary Center & Confraternity
ROSARY PRAYERS. The steps to praying the Rosary are: Make the Sign of the Cross and pray the “Apostles’ Creed” Pray the “Our Father” Pray three “Hail Marys” for Faith, Hope, and Charity; Pray the “Glory Be” Announce the First Mystery and then pray the “Our Father” Pray ten “Hail Marys” while meditating on the Mystery
How to Pray the Rosary Beginner’s Guide - The Catholic Company
The rosary, in essence, is a compendium of the Gospel and leads us, through the intercession of Our Lady, to contemplate Jesus Christ. 1a. Begin by praying the Sign of the Cross.
How to Pray the Rosary | USCCB
Familiarize yourself and/or your group with the prayers of the rosary. Make the Sign of the Cross. Holding the Crucifix, say the Apostles' Creed. On the first bead, say an Our Father. Say one Hail Mary on each of the next three beads.
How to Pray the Rosary: Catholic Answers Guide to the Holy Rosary
Learn how to pray the rosary with video and written instructions. Includes all the prayers and a downloadable guide so you can start this holy practice now.
How to Recite the Rosary - Marians of the Immaculate Conception
How to Recite the Rosary. On the 5 decades (sets of 10 beads) of a rosary, we pray and meditate on the corresponding set of 5 Mysteries from the Joyful Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries, the Glorious Mysteries, or the Luminous Mysteries.
Pray the Rosary Every Day
Pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary to obtain peace in the world. Videos and prayer resources.
The Holy Rosary - Prayers - Catholic Online
Step-By-Step Instructions for Praying The Rosary. Begin by holding the crucifix, saying "In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," (making the sign of the Cross while doing that), then say the Apostles Creed. On the single bead just above the cross, pray the "Our Father." This and all prayers of the rosary are meditative ...
How to pray the rosary
Learn how to pray the rosary with our clear and simple instructions below. How does It Work? While praying the vocal prayers, which are explained below, you simultaneously meditate on each mystery.
How to Pray the Rosary? A Step-by-Step Visual Guide
Take the first bead of the Rosary and begin by praying an Our Father. The following three beads symbolize three Hail Marys. Traditionally, they are offered to increase the Faith, Hope, and Love of those who pray the Rosary, and for the intentions of the Holy Father, the Pope.
How to Pray the Rosary | Dynamic Catholic
Want to learn how to pray the rosary? This Dynamic Catholic guide will teach you the rosary prayers and help you understand the beauty of this ancient, powerful prayer.