Piggy: The Rework - A new Event Chapter Update! - Roblox
Dec 8, 2024 · A new event chapter is now available in Piggy: The Rework, “ Pigsmas ”! Your goal is to collect gifts and put them under the Christmas tree before Penny wakes up! This chapter has two endings that give you badges! Thanks for playing, and I …
How do I make a piggy game? - Scripting Support - Roblox
Jun 8, 2021 · Hello, The Lost devs, I am a small developer with low scripting skills, I wonder if I can make a piggy game like @MiniToon. I only wanna ask “What scripting element to make a piggy game?” such as Shop, Intermission and voting system, and …
Squid game piggy bank - Scripting Support - Developer Forum
May 7, 2022 · Hello, I am trying to make a piggy bank like the one holding all the cash in squid game. I want to make it so if somebody dies it will add +147 cash to the piggy bank. No visuals are needed I just need it to be able to give all the cash from every death to the player when they touch the piggy bank
How do I make my own piggy-style game? - Roblox
Jun 17, 2021 · So when you are making a piggy-style game, you have to plan it. But I won’t get to that part yet, onto the problem. So I don’t have a scripting fix, BUT I do have something you should probably do before you start scripting your game. So when I am writing my scripts, I always wonder"am I doing this right?"
Piggy: The Lost Book - Development Information - Roblox
Nov 10, 2021 · Get the latest update logs and development information for Piggy: The Lost Book on Roblox, including new quests, features, and bug fixes.
How do I make a thumbnail like Piggy’s? - Roblox
Aug 8, 2020 · ayeeeeee! i wana know how to make a logo like this: [i use paint.net] can anyone help? edit: i dont need to pigs/backround, i would like the font/blood effects, anyone know some free fonts like this?
How do i make a piggy based game? - Scripting Support - Roblox
Feb 1, 2022 · Hello developers, i’m currently making a piggy based game. and i don’t know how to do the round system. if anyone could say me how to make it, i would appreciate it! thanks, and have a good day. Topic will be closed on: 2022-01-31T23:00:00Z (UTC)→2022-02 …
Best Kit (Tutorial) To Make A Piggy Game? - Roblox
Aug 4, 2020 · Hello Im Foxy87EsPropapu, Im A Noob Developer And Im Asking… Wich Is The Best Kit/Tutorial For Making A Game Like The Popular Horror Game: “Piggy”? Also I Want To Know If Theres Another Way To Do It, Thanks If You Respond!
PIGGY Rig For Blender - Community Resources - Developer Forum …
Jun 17, 2021 · the rig is not made to be used in roblox games, it is made for those gfx artists who want to make gfx / youtube thumbnails of piggy, that’s why it is a blender rig, and I don’t think minitoon would get upset if someone uses his model to help artists/youtubers who want to promote his game.
How would I make my AI "more smart" - DevForum | Roblox
Nov 12, 2020 · Hello, So I’m trying to make a game that has an AI like Piggy or Kitty. These AIs are very smart and have no problems climbing stairs, etc. But I’ve noticed that this is very hard to accomplish. I’m using the PathfindingService but I have had no luck. I set “AgentCanJump” off because I do not want my NPC to be able to jump, just like Piggy and Kitty. But if there is a …